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VIN must be made up of exactly 17 characters and belongs to a vehicle manufacturer after 1980.
Vehicle recalls are safety notifications issued by manufacturers when a defect or issue is discovered in a vehicle's design, manufacturing process, or safety features. Performing these recall related repairs are crucial in ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers, and other road users, as they can help prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities caused by faulty vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020 alone, there were over 900 vehicle recalls affecting more than 55 million vehicles in the United States. This staggering number highlights the importance of checking for recalls before buying a used car, as driving a vehicle with an unresolved recall can be deadly. In fact, a study by the NHTSA found that vehicles with open recalls are 2.5 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash. By checking for recalls, you can avoid becoming a statistic and ensure that the vehicle you're about to purchase is safe to drive.
Accelerator malfunction-related recalls are critical because they address defects that can cause sudden, unintended acceleration, which can lead to loss of vehicle control, accidents, and serious injuries or fatalities. By recalling and repairing or replacing faulty accelerators, manufacturers can help prevent accidents caused by this type of malfunction.
Airbag recalls are crucial because they address serious safety defects that can cause airbags to malfunction that may cause it to fail to deploy, or deploy incorrectly, which can lead to serious injuries or fatalities in the event of a crash. By recalling and replacing defective airbags, manufacturers can help prevent accidents and ensure that drivers and passengers are protected in the event of a collision.
Brake system-related recalls address defects that can cause catastrophic brake failure, reduced braking performance, or unintended brake activation, which can lead to accidents, injuries, and fatalities. By recalling and repairing or replacing faulty brake components, manufacturers can help prevent accidents and ensure that vehicles can stop safely.
As a vehicle owner, it's essential to ensure that your car meets safety standards to protect yourself and others on the road. Recalls are issued to address defects in critical components, such as brakes, airbags, and steering systems, that can compromise the safety of your vehicle. By checking for open recalls, you can prevent accidents and injuries caused by faulty vehicle components.
Recalls aim to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from faulty vehicle components. As a vehicle owner, you have the right to own and operate a vehicle that meets safety standards.
Check your VIN number: Run a vehicle recall search using your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on a reputable website, such as
Obtain a comprehensive vehicle history report: A vehicle history report will not only inform you of any possible recalls on your vehicle but also provide insights into a vehicle's past, including reported accidents, liens, mileage discrepancies, history of theft, title brands, and other issues. offers a comprehensive vehicle history report that includes:
Recall Information
Auction Records
Accident History
Government & Taxi Use
Lien Information
Mileage Discrepancies
Salvage History
Theft History
Odometer Records
Ownership History
Listing Images
Sale History
Hidden Issues
Recalls ensure that consumers are promptly informed about potential risks and provided with a solution, often in the form of free repairs or replacements. Once you are aware of the recall you can contact the manufacturer to schedule an appointment to have the recall repairs performed at a local service facility. Don't wait – check your VIN number today and drive with confidence.
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